To filter and safely dispose of all washing machine microplastic waste.
The Filtrol 160 washing machine filter removes non-biodegradable fibres (like microfibers, microplastics, polyester, nylon, sand, hair, and pet fur) from your washer’s discharge before they make their way into our lakes, streams, and drinking water. Aside from polluting our water, these are also one of the leading cause of septic system and drainfield failure as well as sewer line plugging for those who are on city sewer. Wexco is the exclusive distributor for the patented Filtrol 160, the only true washing machine filter designed for washing machines on the market.
All products and suppliers are displayed on the Clear Ocean Pact website for free. Clear Ocean Pact makes no guarantee or warranty for the application of the products displayed and encourages all users to investigate all options available to them before purchasing. Clear Ocean Pact accepts no liability for any use of the products displayed. When you see this code ‘CLEAROCEANPACT5’ then the supplier has agreed to discount your purchase by 5% and donate a further 5% to the initiative. Thank you.