Our New Goal in 2024

After five years since winning our first award at the UK’s leading sustainable event, the PEA awards, the Clear Ocean Pact is evolving in 2024….
We have always viewed ‘being sustainable’ as the global impact a yacht has on its environment and the people within its ecosystem, which are required for it to operate successfully over its lifespan.
(Success being measured as the owner’s enjoyment).
Understanding and effectively addressing a yacht’s global impact is the challenge we are taking on to make this super easy for yacht owners directly.
We want to give them 100% confidence in the data but also the ability to make informed impact decisions – from the moment of conception to the day they sell up (and beyond for the new owner).
Our new goal is not only to strive to continue reducing the impact of single-use plastics in yachting but also to offer owners the power at their fingertips to quickly and easily control the impact of their yachts in real-time.
Welcome to the Zero Impact initiative from the Clear Ocean Pact.
If you’d be interested to know more and join us as a partner in this journey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.